How to Identify Narcissist Behaviour in Your Partner

Here’s How to Spot a Narcissist Behaviour in Your Partner

Living with someone who has toxic traits can be challenging and emotionally draining but there is a way to spot narcissist behaviour in your partner.

Do you know a person with so much ego and self-manipulative personality can range from subtle to overt? And it is very crucial to identify these traits that can help you navigate your relationship more effectively.

Whether it’s a family member or friend or you are living with a spouse, recognizing the symptoms of narcissism is crucial to protecting your well-being and establishing healthy boundaries. 

In this blog post, we’ll look at the traits and characters of narcissists and effective ways of dealing with people of such a nature.

What is Narcissism?

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is “a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them”.

Narcissism is a term that’s often thrown around in everyday conversations, but its true meaning and implications run deeper than a mere character trait. At its core, narcissism is a psychological term used to describe a person who exhibits an exaggerated sense of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. 

How to Identify a Narcissist Behaviour Partner

Identifying narcissistic behaviour involves recognizing so many common partners that it makes it hard to live with them. Here are some common signs:

Excessive Self-Importance: 

Narcissists believe they are superior to others and often exaggerate their accomplishments and talents. They constantly seek admiration and validation from others and have a sense of entitlement. 

Lack of empathy: 

They struggle to understand or connect with the feelings and experiences of others, leading to a lack of genuine empathy. They seem emotionless and soulless even if they see someone in pain or wait for them to feel the pain.

Manipulative Behavior: 

Manipulating and making them question their own reality is one the common signs of narcissist behaviour in your partner. You know why? Because they often use manipulation and deceit to get what they want, regardless of the impact on others. They may employ tactics such as gaslighting, where they twist reality to make others doubt their own perceptions and experiences. 


Narcissists believe they deserve special treatment and can become angry or indignant when they don’t receive it. Narcissists may also have difficulty accepting criticism or boundaries, as they believe they are above such limitations. 

Difficulty in Maintaining Relationships: 

Their interpersonal relationships often suffer due to their self-centeredness and inability to empathize with others. Narcissists tend to prioritize their own needs and desires above those of others, which can create a sense of neglect or disregard in their relationships. This can result in frequent arguments, emotional distance, and a lack of trust between the narcissist and their loved ones.

Different Types of Narcissists

Narcissism can manifest in various ways, leading to different types of narcissists. Understanding these variations can help identify a person with these behaviors more accurately.

Grandiose Narcissist: 

These individuals exhibit the classic signs of NPD, such as an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a desire for constant admiration.

Vulnerable Narcissists: 

They share many traits with grandiose narcissists but also show signs of insecurity and low self-esteem, making them more sensitive to criticism.

Covert Narcissist: 

Covert narcissists are often introverted and may not display their narcissism overtly. They are more likely to seek pity and play the victim.

Looking out for Narcissistic Personality. How to Know If You Are Married to a Toxic Spouse?

Marriage is a partnership built on love, trust, and mutual respect. However, when one partner in the marriage is a narcissist, it can become a challenging and emotionally draining experience. Here are some signs that show that you are stuck with a narcissist:

There is no connection

Your partner communicates with you as it suits them. However, they have never inquired what your future plans are or how you might collaborate to create the life you desire.

You feel vulnerable

Throughout the relationship, your partner will use subtly threatening language. Even though they might not say it out loud, you will sense that if you don’t help them or give in to what they want, horrible things will happen. Even if you don’t truly agree with what they want, it can often be easier to just go along with it. This is a technique they use to manipulate and control their partners in order to acquire what they desire.

You’re frequently gaslighted.

Gaslighting occurs when someone consistently rejects something that you know to be true and yes, this is a typical narcissist strategy and is frequently observed in abusive or domineering relationships.

Your partner might fabricate stories about your actions and make incidents to fit their view of what happened rather than the truth. You could start to doubt yourself and believe that there is something wrong with you.

You feel in charge of everything.

Narcissists believe that everything, even their own mistakes, is always someone else’s responsibility. An apology from a narcissist won’t be forthcoming. It seems logical that saying sorry would be out of the question for narcissists because they don’t view other people as being on an equal footing with them.

You’re walking on eggshells.

The usual scenario is that everything appears to be alright, but then a small incident causes them to lose their cool. Even, something as insignificant or very minor as someone at work being congratulated for an accomplishment while your partner feels disregarded might set off a narcissist.  

You probably feel like you’ve lost yourself because now all of your decisions are based on what will keep your partner happy with these manipulative traits.

You Feel Criticized Constantly

Your partner constantly criticizes the way you look. They might comment on your appearance, clothing, or haircut. They ridicule or degrade you; this may occur in front of you or behind your back.

How to Deal with Someone with a Narcissist Behaviour

Here are some strategies to help you navigate your relationship with a narcissist:

Set Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries for what behavior you will and won’t tolerate. Stick to these boundaries and communicate them to your spouse.

Avoid Escalation

Narcissists thrive on conflict. Try to avoid escalating arguments and stay calm when discussing issues.

Consider Therapy

Couples therapy can be beneficial if both partners are willing to participate. However, individual therapy may also help you cope with the emotional toll of the relationship.

Understand Their Condition

Educate yourself about someone with a personality and pattern like this to gain insight. This can help you detach emotionally and respond more effectively.

Why Narcissists Get Attracted to Naive and Kind People

It is not a surprise at all that narcissists often target individuals who are kind, empathetic, and somewhat naive. Here’s why:

Need for Validation:

Narcissists thrive on admiration and validation. Naive and kind individuals are more likely to provide the constant praise and attention narcissists crave.


Naive individuals may be more easily manipulated because they are less likely to recognize or confront the narcissist’s abusive behavior.

Empathetic Nature: 

Kind individuals tend to have a strong sense of empathy, making them more likely to tolerate and excuse the narcissist’s flaws and hurtful actions.

Low Self-Esteem: 

Narcissist partners with these behaviour often target individuals such as their spouse and children with lower self-esteem, as they are more susceptible to the narcissist’s tactics and are less likely to assert themselves.


Last but not least, we understand that identifying a narcissistic partner with toxic behavior or a person can be challenging, but recognizing the signs and understanding the different types of narcissism can help you navigate relationships more effectively. Keep in mind that dealing with a narcissist may require professional guidance, and self-care should be a top priority in maintaining your own mental and emotional health.