Millennials and Gen Z Staying Childless

Why are Millennials and Gen Z Staying Childless by Choice? Read these Brutally Honest Reddit Confessions

These Reddit confessions prove Millennials and Gen Z stay childless to embrace their freedom more.

Are they that scared to let go of their “me time”? Do people really lose themselves once they start a family? Is that really what’s going on with Millennials and Gen Z generation? We have found some very interesting confessions on Reddit and oh-my-god, it’s not what we expected.

You will be so amazed why they are Millennials and Gen Z is so reluctant and scared to have babies. Why do they want to deliberately stay child-free for the rest of their lives?

The confessions are so alarming and eye-opening so brace yourself to get some serious-reality checks you will be getting:

Gen Z and Millennials think that children are way too expensive

1. “Shit, millennials can barely afford kids.Gen Z won’t be much better off. I just had my first at 32. My mom was 24 when she had me. Gen z will be dead before there is enough financial stability for them to procreate.They might not even want to with how fucked everything is with 80 year olds controlling all the wealth”

We are lying if we say we don’t agree with her, I mean children suck up all of your lifetime savings and finances.

2.” That’s one of the reasons. I’m also not financially stable enough, my hobbies take up too much of my time for a meaningful relationship, and the US is rapidly approaching a future I wouldn’t want to raise a child in.I’m a millenial and had to postpone having children for years because we were not able to afford a house. Some time ago I finally got a break. I completely understand gen Z’s reluctance. First, take care of yourselves and be happy”.

They think Children will take away their hobbies and time-something every parent agrees to and doesn’t reveal the entire truth.

3. ”Millennial here and that’s one of their reasons, mine too actually. Seen the cost of a kid nowadays? I’d be bankrupt or working every waking minute to maybe scrape by.Personally I’II never have a kid, no way I’m bringing another life into this shithole meat grinder life. Certainly didn’t want to be here myself and won’t force that on anyone else.”

It couldn’t be more true. Once you get a hold of life and see the ugliness of the world, you cannot imagine bringing another innocent human being to suffer the same fate as you. That my friend, we call it voluntary childlessness.

Even from Generation X, it seems like a nightmare

4.” I’m 40, not sure which generation that is, and no kids quite frankly because I don’t think I could afford it despite getting 85k a year. Shit too expensive everywhere, housing especially”

We thought that only people from the 1990s (Millennials) and 2000s (Gen Z) want to be childless but this guy is from Generation X, and he is currently 40, and he thinks that he cannot afford to even one despite earning a pretty good.

5.I would never willingly bring another human being into this world against their will, knowing that they have nothing to look forward to. Only work and more work. Im just so f*king tired. I Already know I’m never going to own a house unless I buy it with like 4 of my friends. Why would I want someone else to feel like this? How could I be that selfish? I understand that not everyone has the same point of view, and nothing against you if you want to have kids or you already have kids. Peace and love to all.”

This honest confession coming from a Gen Z and from Millennials to stay Childless by CHOICE and not from a female this time was hard to digest but it was about time that people are becoming self-aware..

Motherhood is not for everybody folks, Take some notes!

6. ”I’m a young Millennial and l’ve noticed this is totally normal in coastal cities too. I went to a dinner in SF with a group of people working on startups, and one woman next to me was talking about her fertility company. She asked the other five women around me if they had ever thought about using fertility services (like egg freezing) and every single one of us said “no, we don’t want to be parents” lol”.

Having children is a HUGE responsibility and one must be exactly prepared before starting a family or at least be considerate like this guy.

We got one more too!

7. “I’m wondering if it’s because y’all get more exposure to how having a child affects your body/life/finances. you have apps like tik tok/Facebook/Reddit readily available for people to tell you the brutal side of having kids. The rest of the older generations were told having kids would be the best thing that happens to them(lies) and were not exposed to what happens to your body when you give birth. I reckon that’s also a reason why post partum depression happens.. I’d be depressed too if I regret my decision and realized how my life/body will never be the same again..”

The consequences of not having children in something we have told we’ll regret but now Gen Z and Millennials are embracing their freedom more and staying childless for life.

Societal pressure is something that ruined so many lives of innocent children. Gen Z wants to embrace more freedom and are not ready to give up their dreams.

Do you agree with them?